You watched me come in here,
Grinned from ear to ear.
The prototype of your future glory,
Had finally arrived.
You touched her,
And felt power you had not,
Emanate and grow stronger.
For the first time,
You were in control.
You caught up with time,
As you wielded her soul.
The perfect story;
You envisioned,
And crafted from your mind’s prison.
I watched as you groomed her,
Brushed all irregularities,
And chipped at her heart.
For you thought it looked better,
Shaped as yours
-empty, cold and made of stone.
Ingrained in her was the truth,
And gospel according to you.
Now and forever, you would vow;
If by your bidding she complied,
At her feet, you would bow.
With reverence and without blame,
You would call out her name.
I watched as she climbed up the tower,
Built by you and your lover,
From pieces of fractured glory;
You finally held the power,
To bring back what once was dead.
With fear as her ladder,
She climbed and held the rudder.
Feeling not the sting of pain,
Nor the muddle in her brain,
As your hand reached every corner,
And gave each order.
I watched as she stood atop the tower,
Thinking there was nothing left to conquer.
For she had ascended above the gods,
And felt it, like no other;
Power, flowing through her veins.
She turned and saw you weren’t there;
And thought herself above thee.
For she saw not your invisible hand,
Linger in the corner;
Holding tightly to the reigns,
Of your life’s elixir.
But I could not stand or bear to watch,
The ripples of the past distort another.
For within her, there was no power,
Only an empty shell
-hard, cold and made of stone;
Seeping life and laughter,
Waiting to devour another.
Just as she caught a glimpse of the future,
I pushed her off the tower.
In disbelief, she turned and saw,
Her reflection stare back at her.
For I had followed her all these years,
To remind her of the unseen.
I watched her fall,
Lower and lower,
Till she hit the ground and shattered,
Into pieces of fractured glory.
In those moments,
She held not the power,
To bring back what once was dead.
For beneath the depths of hell,
One can only face thineself.
T’was then she came to see,
She was part human, part pawn,
To those who bore her.
I took her soul, planted a tree;
And placed it therein.
None could control,
For she was free.
Her fruit,
Gave life within,
Knowledge of good,
And all sin.